Hormones    and    wellness

helping women align nutrition and fitness with their menstrual cycles.









helping you find inner peace and overall wellness

your journey to
inner healing.

Imagine for one second that you have a predictable cycle, pain free periods, clear skin, nutritional balance, and an exercise routine that feels good all month long? It sounds crazy, right?  But it is possible!

My online course will teach you:

  • How to understand the role your hormones play in your cycle. 

  • The four phases that make up a menstrual cycle.

  • How to exercise throughout your cycle phases.

  • How to eat throughout your cycle phases.

  • How to adjust your hair, skin, and self-care with your cycle.

  • And so much more!

not your mothers
guide to periods 

healthy hormone guide

This easy-to-follow guide will teach you all about the 4 phases of your cycle and how to sync your diet, exercise, and self-care with each one.


Misty will deepen your understanding of hormones, cycle mapping, and the 4 phases of your cycle. If you are ready to dive deep, and go “all in,” this course is for you!

The cheat sheet bundle

Looking for “at a glance,” information that is cute enough to stick on your fridge or bathroom mirror? My beautifully designed cheat sheets will help you stay on track!

hi, friend! I'm Misty

hi, friend! I'm Misty


I’m a mom of four, pilates instructor, and certified hormone coach with a mission to change the way we think about our bodies and bring menstrual cycles and hormones to the forefront of the conversation. We as women were not meant to fit into the mold set by and made for men, yet we’ve been trying to make it happen for centuries. I’m here to tell you that your body is amazing and that your cycle is amazing (yes, you read that right!). We can’t turn back the clock, but let’s march forward with a new understanding of our bodies as we work toward female wellness and inner peace. 

free download

free download

Free ovulation tracker download!

why should I care about syncing with my cycle


Painless Periods

Regular Cycle

Clear Skin

Muscle Gain


Dietary confidence  



Irregular Cycle


Muscle loss

Burn Out

Dietary Confusion

lead the life you deserve